A tour through an exhibition
Kuratorenführung: Duett mit Künstler_in
When: WED, October 4, 7pm–8pm
Where: 21er Haus
Entry: free guided tour! museum admission 7€ (students 5.50€), buy your ticket here!
The audience is playing an active role in the creation of art works, and this will be the focus of the exhibition currentlz on at the 21er Haus, Duet with Artist. The exhibition will also reflect on how artists have stimulated visitors to their showings, and called them to act in the past, and how they are doing so now. This free guided tour by the curator will give you a deeper insight into the exhibition, and will be there for your questions on Wednesday.
Recommended if you like: getting answers to all your questions, free guided tours, talking art with others, the big questions, day dreaming on park benches
Wed. 04th Oct
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