The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Lerchenfelder Privatflohmarkt

Breakfast and a flea market

Lerchenfelder Privatflohmarkt

When: SAT, October 6, 9am–5pm
Where: Ceija-Stojka-Platz / Lerchenfelder Straße
Entry: Free!

You never know what you may find at a ye’ ol’ flea market and this Saturday’s one at Lerchenfelder will be a good chance to do some rummaging. Whether you need knick knacks, an antique lamp, maybe something for your vintage winter wardrobe, there is no harm in heading down for a cheeky look at what’s happening on this happening street of the 7th/8th, especially as Cafe Moment will be offering a special ‘Fleamarket Breakfast’.

Recommended if you like: flea markets, wearing clothes that don’t match, sustainable living, all things vintage, shopping in second-hand furniture stores, mismatching furniture, rather pointy shoes


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