The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Let's have another K!K! – Astronaughty & KEN Club @ FLEX

Put on your best face and party at this K!K! 

Let’s have another K!K! – Astronaughty & KEN Club @ FLEX

When: SUN, August 30, 5pm–1am  Where: Flex Entry: free! (Donations are welcome!) A relaxing garden vibe along with some Pop & House music, accompanied with a drag show á la extraordinaire will make up the offerings of the event happening this Sunday at the Flex! To celebrate this queer get-together, there will be music from the DJ booth and cool drinks to slurp on that’ll leave you saying ‘sickening’! (That’s a good thing 😉 This fabulous evening event is free, but don’t forget to leave a donation at the entrance! Recommended if you like: Queen RuPaul, being queer, queer parties, dressing up in outlandish outfits, parties where anything could happen, boys who like boys who like girls who like girls…and so on… [totop] [tocat]]]>

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