This event will definitely put a smile on your face!
Letzte Wiener Lesebühne – Groebner / Sargnagel / Ratschiller
When: SUN, January 12, 7pm
Where: Schauspielhaus Wien
Entry: 10 – 14€, get your tickets!
Severin Groebner, Hosea Ratschiller and Stefanie Sargnagel will try their best to make you laugh this Sunday at Schauspielhaus Wien. And they’ll succeed, we’re sure about that. As everyone needs to have a good laugh at least once in a while, we definitely recommend checking them out! Oh, and there’ll be some cold drinks as well, just so you know.
Recommended if you like: laughing so hard you snort a little, making your stomach hurt from laughing, when somebody’s laugh is funnier than their jokes, comedy shows, fun things to do with friends during the weekend, Schauspielhaus Wien
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