The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Lisa Eckhart Die Vorteile des Lasters

Laugh your arse off at this night of funnys

Lisa Eckhart Die Vorteile des Lasters

When: MON, August 10, 8pm–10:30m
Where: Stadtsaal
Entry: 19.50€, buy a ticket

How would you feel about spending an evening listening to a Styrian lady who’s not afraid to shock people with words and jokes? If that sounds appealing to you, then maybe you should check out this show featuring Lisa Eckhart. Her current cabaret show is all about the (unfortunate) loss of the deadly sins and how to bring them back, but in a 2.0 and better kind of way!

Recommended if you like: cabaret shows that make you think, comedy, women who are not afraid to say what they think, poetry slams, talented people, people who know how to use words to make everything sound better, feeling called out during shows

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