The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

LIVE im 25. “SingerSongProducer” hosted by Kathi Kallauch

Local musicians hit the stage at the Hipster hotel’s rooftop bar

LIVE im 25. “SingerSongProducer” hosted by Kathi Kallauch

When: TUE, November 6, 8pm–11pm
Where: Dachboden @ 25Hours Hotel
Entry: Free!

Every first Tuesday of the month, the Dachboden of the 25hours Hotel turns into a stage for local Austrian music talent of various genres. Every month, there will be a new motto, and this month’s edition is ‘Singer.Song.Producer.’ Kathi Kallauch is hosting the evening as usual, but if you’re too lazy for getting your ass up to the rooftop bar, they also have a live stream, here. Drinks and a view are included.

Recommended if you like: a night out with a cool view of Vienna, checking out local artists, Austrian music, live music events

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