Christmas spirits and brunch = yum, yum!
Magdas Advents-Brunch
When: SUN, December 3, 11am–2pm
Where: Magda’s Hotel
Entry: 24€ for adults, 12€ for children ages 6–12, free for younger kids! Reserve via phone: 01 7200 288 or sign up here
Come to one of the hippest breakfasts in town this Sunday for a Christmas-spirited brunch at one of the hippest hotels in town, Magda’s Hotel. Get ready for all the tasty stuff you’d expect at a well-rounded hotel breakfast: from pancakes and granola to juices, cold cuts, and a wide selection of breads combined with people dressed in hip clothes and Christmas sweaters. Scray stuff, we know!
Recommended if you like: being hip, food as all form of celebration, hanging out in hotel lobby’s, discovering trendy area’s in Vienna, photographing your cat under a christmas tree
Sun. 03rd Dec