The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Welcome the win season @ the Mailüfterl in Stammersdorf 2018

A mini Wine Festival in Stammersdorf to start the season

Mailüfterl in Stammersdorf 2018

When: SAT–SUN, May 5–6, 2pm–10pm
Where: Stammersdorfer Kellergasse
Entry: Free

Cometh hour cometh the man, or in this case, Cometh the Sun, Cometh the wine. This weekend will see the first of Stammersdorf’s three little summer wine festivals happening. With stalls lined up on ye’ old Kellergasse, selling everything from wine to honey, it’s the perfect setting for a lovely afternoon if the sun cooperates. If you’re like us and you just love Stammersdorf, and love a good old Austrian wine festival, you’ll love this day out!

Recommended if you like: wine, slow food, home grown products, shopping locally, visiting a different district to your normal stomping ground, festivals and markets, food glorious food, being outside, day drinking, a wine festival– Austrian-style

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