Celebrate the end of the quarantine and get outside!
Make the most out of not being in home isolation anymore
You made it! You survived this crazy time of home isolation and the pandemic (well, that’s still hanging around)! Anyway, for now it’s time to make the most out of being free again (before the next quarantine hits…just kidding!….or are we?). In case you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed right now, because you forgot what it was like to be able to do things out of your own home and you simply just can’t choose what to do, we’ve got you covered! Watch out for an article in the coming days in which we offer some tips on how you can enjoy to the max your new won freedom!
Recommended if you like: being allowed to leave your house without feeling weird, the smell of freedom, feeling like a bird that escaped its cage, doing things you enjoy
Fri. 01st May — Sun. 31st May