The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

An Icelandic band that is not Sigur Ros or Björk

Mammút (IS)

When: WED, October 25, 8pm–11pm
Where: Fluc + Fluc Wanne
Entry: 15€, buy your ticket here!

The Icelandic rock band, Mammút, are melodic and catchy, and they craft distorted and beautiful lullabies. Their latest album, Kinder Versions, was released this summer and now they’re touring with it. Mammút will be in Vienna for one show at the Fluc. Get your ticket here (it’s just 15 bucks) and enjoy some moody music on Wednesday. Listen to one of their songs, here:

Recommended if you like: Iceland, Björk, listening to lyrics that you don’t understand at all, indie rock, mysterious characters, grungy locations, writing poetry on public toilet doors

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