The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Margherita Spiluttini “Series”

A photography series by Margherita Spiluttini

Margherita Spiluttini “Series”

When: October 19 – December 23
Where: Christine König Galerie
Entry: tba

The exhibition SERIES by Margherita Spiluttini showcases works from her early creative periods. Her photographs depict, amongst other things, very informal scenes, architecture treated in unusual ways, or the empty former AKH of Vienna. Be at the Christine König Galerie in Schleifmühlgasse and check out this special exhibition. You’ve got some time til’ the day before Christmas to do so. Just sayin’.

Recommended if you like: mingling amongst artsy people, exploring photography, Sunday strolls through museums, following photographers on Instagram


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