A Cheeky German Rapper @ FLEX
MC Bomber · Flex · Wien
When: FRI, May 18, 7pm–10pm
Where: Flex
Entry: 24.40€ (get em here)
German Rapper, MC Bomber, seems to be a bit tongue in cheek, a kind of German version of Eminem back in the day. This Friday, his grimy Rap will be gracing the stage in Flex whose grunge setting is perfect for the Bomber’s vibe, check him out below:
[fve] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnstAfLX6Dw[/fve]
Recommended if you like: Rap and Hip Hop, escaping the law, fucking the police (well, not literally, but you know what we mean), being totally against the system except on Tuesdays when you visit your Oma, Rap battles, German Rap, wearing dressing gowns out around town
Fri. 18th May