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Mein Nachbar Totoro – Weihnachts Filmwunder im Filmcasino

Christmas movie: My Neighbor Totoro

Mein Nachbar Totoro – Weihnachts Filmwunder im Filmcasino

When: SUN, December 24, 2:45pm
Where: Filmcasino
Entry: 8€ for grown-ups, 6€ for kids, reserve via

The classic Japanese animation, ‘My Neighbor Totoro,’ from 1988 is screening at Filmcasino on Sunday, and may serve as the perfect escape from helping your family prepare for Christmas celebrations. The acclaimed animation is about two young girls who settle into a farm house with their father, waiting for their mother to recover from an illness. Some brilliant animation to be seen in this film.

Recommended if you like: running away from your family during Christmas, watching non-Hollywood films, Japanese culture, losing yourself in a movie, retro things, Manga and Anime

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