The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Meinls Amerikanischer Abend

You’re invited to an American-style dinner

Meinls Amerikanischer Abend

When: THU, August 31, 7pm–11:30pm
Where: Meinl am Graben
Entry: 79€

Bud Beer, Shrimps cocktail, Caesars salad, Pulled pork burgers… and many more delicious temptations will be served up as part of this special dinner event being thrown by Meinl am Graben. We are all invited to an American dinner (for 79€) in the heart of Vienna at Julius Meinl’s secret garden. The chefs will be trying to convince us that the American kitchen is much more than McDonald’s and Burger King. If you’re an American missing home, this might be something for you.

Recommended if you like: tasting international kitchen, Viennese guest gardens in summer, burgers and Budweiser beer, feasts, being American, royal food for casual people

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