The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Michael Malarkey (US) Wien

A Vampire turned Musician @ the WUK

Michael Malarkey (US) Wien

When: SAT, June 2, 7pm–10:30pm
Where: WUK
Entry: 24€ available here

Vampire Diaries fans may recognise Mr Malarkey as one of the actors from the series. However, before his acting career kicked off he was a musician, and last year he got around to releasing an album that has his dulcet tones and thoughtful lyrics laced throughout. Have a little listen.

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Recommended if you like: collecting old records, Western films, True Detective, Vampire Diaries, eating garlic, the rough and ready type, Country music, swaying to the music, dulcet tones, the darker side of song writing

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