The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Mile Me Deaf / Dives / Euroteuro / Aivery

Austrian grunge on stage (it’s a thing, who knew!)

Mile Me Deaf / Dives / Euroteuro / Aivery

When: FRI, March 23, 7:30pm–4am
Where: Flex
Entry: 14€ (from WienXtra) 15€ (here)

Siluh Records is turning 13 years old this Friday and to celebrate, they’ve got all of their favourite bands under one roof. Headed up by ‘Mile me Deaf,’ they have the grungy Indie covered, but the acts that precede them are equally brilliant. The band, Aivery, have something a bit like the ‘Yeah Yeah Yeahs’, while Euroteuro offers something a bit livelier and the Dives will provide a Rock Chicks performance. Something for everyone as you can hear below:





Recommended if you like: wearing your socks pulled up high, luxuriously long hair, British Indie Pop (Brindy-Pop?? Yup we just made that up its going to be a thing!),  the grungy, industrial setting of the B72, singer/songwriter music, Indie boys, checking local musicians

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