The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

MILE ME DEAF – live at b72 (support: Zinn)

Head out for some Psychedelic Rock music at B72

MILE ME DEAF – live at b72 (support: Zinn)

When: WED, May 15, 8pm–11pm
Where: B72
Entry: 12.10€, get your tickets, here

Who’s in the mood for some Psychedelic Rock music this Wednesday? We are! We are! We need to check out of this week and it looks like B72 will be the perfect place to do that. We just hope we check back in again before the end of the show. Last time they had to kick us out and it go weird. Have a listen, here:

Recommended if you like: checking out of life, forgetting to check back in and getting kicked out of the bar, losing all of your worldly possessions in one evening, having a beer after work, trippy music, B72

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