The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Mittags-Tour: Hello, Robot.

A Daytime tour of the robot exhibition at MAK

Mittags-Tour: Hello, Robot.

When: FRI, August 25, 12pm–1pm
Entry: 3,50€ (plus normla MAK entry)

‘Hello, Robot,’ is an exhibition that explores the relationship between humans and robots. It looks at the history of the development of the relatiosnship, while also conceptualises the potential political and ethical pitfalls that could arise in the future. This Friday is your chance to enjoy a little bit of culture at lunchtime by joining in a tour at midday.

Recommended if you like: robotics, Terminator, thinking about the future, the idea of having a robot-themed day, being there when some A.I. goes awol, seeing the future of robotics, having a cultural lunch, culture vulture, expanding your mind on a daily basis

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