The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Moby Dick – eine literarisch-musikalische Lesung

A good story, paired with good music

Moby Dick – eine literarisch-musikalische Lesung

When: THU, December 14, 8pm
Where: Burgtheater
Entry: 21.50€ (10€ students), buy your ticket here

Everyone’s familiar with the story of Moby Dick (or has at least heard about it) – the big adventures of the rough world of whale catchers and the magic and mystery of the high seas. Klaus Maria Brandauer will be putting this work on stage when he does a reading while being supported by the pianist, Arno Waschk, on stage. Be quick to get one of the last tickets for this evening at the Burgtheater, here.

Recommended if you like: stories, listening to someone telling a story, fish, piano music, a relaxed evening out, rugged sailors, reading rather large books

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