The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Modami: Mode- & Flohmarkt

Fashion flea market in a sassy little 6th district bar

Modami: Mode- & Flohmarkt

When: SUN, March 8, 1pm–6:30pm Where: Mon Ami Entry: Free! It’s your usual hip flea market taking place in the coolest of all cool streets, Theobaldgasse, in the funky bar, Monami. There’ll be shopping, drinking and eating to the sound of chilled music throughout the day, along with the vague smell of stale beer spilt on the floor from the crazy night before. It’s the dream. Recommended if you like: hanging out on Theobaldgasse, Monami, the thrill of the flea market hunt, the fresh smell of old beer, Gin and tonics for breakfast [totop] [tocat]]]>

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