The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

MOQUA – Monday Quiz Around – The new swing quiz format

Embrace being a swing nerd at this original quiz event

MOQUA – Monday Quiz Around – The new swing quiz format

When: MON, August 3, 8:30pm–11:45pm
Where: Fania live
Entry: make sure to sign up via mail

If you love swing and showing off how smart you are, this is the perfect event for you! Instead of going to a super normal pub quiz, why not try the Monday Quiz Around happening at Fania live which includes all kinds of questions that are swing dance related! 

Recommended if you like: finally getting to show off your knowledge about swing, being around people who like the same thing as you, being the smartest in a group of friends, being the dumbest in a group but still win because you have super smart friends, winning

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