The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Moving Forward Conference Vienna 2018

A conference about the current and future trends

Moving Forward Conference Vienna 2018

When: THU–FRI, November 22–23, 8am–5pm
Where: Palais Wertheim
Entry: Starting from 118.80€, get tickets here

The hippest trends both present and future as well as the latest innovations are the focus of the Moving Forward conference this Friday, featuring speakers both national and international. If you’re a go-getter, a mover or a shaker, or a go-getting mover who can shake, you should consider snapping up a seat at this conference. Topics as diverse as artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies through to revolutionary tech stuff will be explored and showcased.

Recommended if you like: being in the know, events where your duck cuff links are appropriate, networking the hell out of a room, faking it until you’re making it, loadsa money


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