The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Moving Forward In Reverse Time With drawkcaB Compass

Challenge your perspective at this performative art installation

Moving Forward In Reverse Time With drawkcaB Compass

When: WED, August 12–FRI, August 28, 3pm–7pm
Where: Improper Walls
Entry: Free!

Transforming the Improper Walls art gallery into an ‘elsewhere’ or ‘somewhere’ space, three artists from different backgrounds will be approaching social and spatial issues related to migrant situations, and about ‘being somewhere else’. This performative art installation is meant to challenge your defined perceptions of things, and will surely push that beautiful brain of yours towards some new ways of thinking.

Recommended if you like: walking through artistic spaces, challenging your brain, changing perspectives, finding out new things every day, getting your mind stimulated, having to think about things, performative art

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