The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

MQ Hofmusik: Titus Probst – Eintritt frei!

Look up to the sky and take in this live Synth music

When: WED, September 30, 7pm–8pm
Where: Museumsquartier
Entry: Free!

At the MuseumsQuartier, you may find yourself wondering what this sound is as you groove to ‘Titus Probsts’ wonderful Synth-sound. This all around talented guy will have you beamed back to the Eighties with his absolutely unique sound. So, if you’re not quite familiar with his stuff, check him out in the MQ courtyard. Be sure to arrive at the live performance before all the seats are taken!

Recommended if you like: chill outdoor stuff, Synth-sounds, giving bussis, big hair, neon clothing, giving high fives in slow motion, staring at the sky and getting high (on fresh air 😉 )

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