The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Musik im Freien: JAVIER MEDINA BERNAL, Liedermacher / Panamá

Enjoy a free concert full of Spanish songs

Musik im Freien: JAVIER MEDINA BERNAL, Liedermacher / Panamá

When: THU, August 20, 7pm–8:30pm
Where: Mi Barrio
Entry: free!

A talented man, plus a guitar, equals a good music show and a chilled evening, right? Javier Medina Bernal has traveled all the way from Panamá so you can listen to his beautiful voice and the tunes of his guitar (ok, he might have been passing through anyway, but…). So, if you want to listen to some sexy Spanish sung by a man with the most Spanish sounding name, get yourself a seat at Mi Barrio this Thursday.


Recommended if you like: songs in Spanish, feeling like you understand a deeper meaning of a song even though you don’t understand the language, dramatically pronouncing Spanish names like you’re in a telenovela, listening to the sound of a well–played guitar, wondering what else a guitar player could do with their fingers (like… braiding a super complicated hairstyle….what did you think, pervert?!)

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