The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Musiksalon rien | Karmic

Californian electro-Pop band with Austrian bassist in an intimate setting

Musiksalon rien | Karmic

When: SAT, November 4, 8pm–9:30 Where: Musiksalon Rien Entry: TBA The Salon at Rien is really gathering momentum in a Sofar Sounds kind of vibe. This Saturday, they will introduce Karmic, a Californian-based Electro–Pop outfit that is full of surprises. Some might say they are redefining what modern pop is, with their pop, soul, and jazz influences seducing you into a comfortable zen before bam! in comes a bass that gives you flashbacks to an EDM party in Shagaluf. Check it: [fve][/fve] Recommended if you like: the evolution of pop, your music live and loud, EDM in a comfortable setting, closing your eyes and being swept away with the music, electro–pop with soul and jazzy influences, comfort in sound [totop]



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