The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Naturgeschichten. Spuren des Politischen / Natural Histories. Traces of the Political

Natural history at the Mumok

Naturgeschichten. Spuren des Politischen / Natural Histories. Traces of the Political

When: ongoing until January 14, 2018
Where: Mumok
Entry: 11€ (students 7.50€)

In this exhibition at the MUMOK, the interrelation between nature and history will be looked at, showing how nature takes back everything, regardless of the situation. Starting from the 1960s to the present, traditions of colonialism and society have shaped our contemporary environments of today. This fascinating exhibition looks at how this has happened and the influencing factors on how our environments came to be, and it doesn’t shy away from including issues like genocide and military conflict.

Recommended if you like: Mother Nature, contemporary art, strolling through a museum on a cold and rainy autumn day, being enlightened, reading rather large books, snorting knowledge up until you’re high on it, pancakes on Saturdays, wearing striped socks during sex

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