See how climate change meets design at this exhibition
Öffnung CREATIVE CLIMATE CARE – Chien-hua Huang. Reform Standard
When: TUE, September 8, 6pm–9pm
Where: Museum of Applied Arts (MAK)
Entry: 14€, buy a ticket
In the MAK museum, you can experience ‘Reform Standard’, the architectural designer, Chien-hua Huang’s, showcase on how he strives to revolutionise the concept of ‘zero waste.’ The research designer quite literally turned the mantra ‘eat, sleep, recycle & repeat’ into his project by studying the cycles of plastic and other materials.
In his project, humans and machines are challenged to differentiate between what is waste and what materials can still be salvaged after being tossed in the trash.
To see the pop-up installation, get your MAK tickets at the door, or purchase them online, via their website.
Recommended if you like: thinking outside the box, being outside your comfort zone, getting to know your city, being socially active, planting hope and trees, chanting ‘give a hoot, don’t pollute!’, thinking beyond what’s real
Tue. 08th Sep
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