An American’s take on living in Austria
English Stand Up Comedy – Okello Dunkley – Almost Austrian
When: SAT, January 5, 7:30pm–10pm
Where: Tunnel
Entry: 15€, buy a ticket
If you relate to any of the typical expat culture clashes, then you’ll certainly relate to this Saturday night comedy show (or if you want to know what expats think of Austrians). Okello, an American, who has been hosting the open mic comedy nights at Tunnel, is planning a run at the Fringe and wants to practice his material on us. We can pretty much guarantee that he will be getting you giggling about things to do with being an expat in Austria.
Recommended if you like: live comedy, being an expat and being able to laugh about the shared experiences, laughing out loud aka lol-ing, lol-athons, laughing so hard that a little bit of pee comes out (lshtalbopco – it is a thing we promise), not getting wasted on a Saturday, doing more with your Saturday than just sitting in your regular bar, Americans
Sat. 05th Jan
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