Love that famous yellow cartoon family? Get down to this diddly doodly Punk gig!
Okilly Dokilly (US) I Arena Wien
When: MON, December 2, 8pm–11pm
Where: Arena Wien
Entry: 22.50€, buy a ticket
There’s a recent episode of The Simpsons (‘I’m Just a Girl Who Can’t Say D’oh’) which, in jarring fashion, blends a real life music video into the animation. That video is by U.S. Hardcore Punk band Okilly Dokilly who are named after the catchphrase of everybody’s favourite do-gooder, Ned Flanders. The band doesn’t just like Ned, they idolise him. They all dress in green sweaters and pink collars and, bizarrely enough, have all picked names with Ned in them (Head Ned, Shred Ned, Zed Ned, Dread Ned & Bed Ned). Sounds diddly doodly great to us!
Recommended if you like: four-fingered yellow people, Ned Flanders, The Simpsons, Hardcore Punk, Heavy Metal, chatting with your neighborinos, swearing in a child-friendly manner, funny novelty acts, borrowing things from your neighbour and never returning them
Mon. 02nd Dec
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