Hunt for Easter eggs at the Technisches Museum
When: WED, April 17, 11am–12:30pm, check other times, here
Where: Technisches Museum
Entry: 6.50€ plus museum entry, check all prices, here
The technical museum of Vienna is holding an Easter egg hunt for kids ages 4-12. We’re a little mad because we got really excited and wanted to join in before we saw the age requirements. It’s just not fair! Grown-ups want to do Easter egg hunts too!!! Uhhhhhggg. Sorry, we’ll pull ourselves together. But we might borrow somebody’s kid so we can go to this.
Recommended if you like: fun and educational Easter activities for the kids, taking your kids to one of the coolest museums in Vienna, watching the kids laughing and running around all happy like and knowing you did a good job that day, Technisches Museum
Wed. 17th Apr