The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Party into 2018 with these New Year's Eve parties

How to party into 2018, you ask?

Party into 2018 with these New Year’s Eve parties

When: 31st December (parties start at various times. Check the list for details) Where:  Check the NYE party list for details Heeeeeeey! It’s time to party like it’s 1999…actually like it’s 2018! Yes, that wild ride of a night is here again where dreams are made for the coming year of drinks and all the possibilities seem endless (especially the more you drink). There are a lot of smashing parties happening in Vienna where you can party away the night and we’ve made an ultimate guide to them for you. If you’re looking to party into 2018 with a bang, check out our list of Vienna’s awesome NYE parties, here. Recommended if you like: partying on New Years like the world’s going to end in the following days, doing the Macarena at 4am after several shots, going home when the sun rises, living life to the MAX [totop]



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