The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Personale: Bady Minck | Open Air Filmscreenings & Filmtalks

Arthouse short film, with talk included

Personale: Bady Minck | Open Air Filmscreenings & Filmtalks

When: FRI, July 21, 9:30pm–11:30pm
Where: dotdotdot, Volkskundemuseum
Entry: Pay as you wish!

Flirting with the fringes of fiction and documentation, the arthouse film director, Baby Minck’s newest film will be shown for the first time in Vienna. There will be a series of nights dedicated to the Luxembourg-born director. Starting Friday, chapter one –  ‘It started with a look’  – will take a look at the boundaries of civilisation, the wilderness, man and beast. This is part of the short film festival, dot dot dot.

Recommended if you like: reading during films, arthouse film, film that takes a while to work out, short films, far out stuff, artsy party, civilisation, nature, human destruction, weird stuff

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