The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Pieter Bruegel der Ältere

Exhibition at the Albertina: 16th Century Dutch artists reflection on the world around him

Pieter Bruegel der Ältere

When: Ongoing until December 3, 10am–6pm (WED 10am–9pm)
Where: Albertina 
Entry: 12.90€ (reductions available– check here)

Bruegel the Elder as he was known, was a 16th century Dutch artist, who arrived at a time of much socio–political and economic change. His drawings reflect this change on normal day to day society in an almost cheeky and humorous way, while also highlighting the hardship of social conditions in a dark comedic, almost tragic, way.

Recommended if you like: staring at a drawing for hours trying to work out why the curator thinks its funny, putting that museum gaze you’ve been practicing to good use, playing where’s wally/waldo with details, sounding cultured while out on the pull, eating culture at any time of day, people who get cool names like ‘the elder’, wishing you had a cool add on to your name

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