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Processing | Künstlergespräch

Artist talk on the exhibition Processing

Processing | Künstlergespräch

When: WED, November 22, 6:30pm Where: Atelier Julian Palacz, Untere Augartenstraße 5 Entry: free! In the course of the Vienna Art Week, there was a group exhibition that was dubbed, Processing, at the GPLcontemporary. Due to unfortunate events ( we have no idea what happened – it wasn’t us!) at the gallery, the exhibition had to be taken down earlier, but this Wednesday there will still be a talk with artists on the exhibition, and you will be able to see some of the artwork at the atelier of Julian Palacz. The communication between human beings and machines via programming of software and algorithms will be looked at from an artistic point of view. Recommended if you like: talking about art, Sunday strolls through a museum, keeping up to date on the art world in Vienna [totop] [tocat]]]>

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