The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Prohaska // Albumreleasekonzert // Geld & Prestige

A Viennese Pop band at WUK

Prohaska // Albumreleasekonzert // Geld & Prestige

When: MON, April 16, 7pm–12am
Where: WUK
Entry: 6€, buy your ticket here

Vienna-based Pop band, Prohaska, will be releasing their album this week. On Thursday, they’ll have their big release concert and party at WUK. Geld & Prestige (aka. money and prestige) is the name of their new record. You won’t need a lot of money to take part in the celebration – 6 bucks will be enough. Listen to one of their latest songs, here:

[fve] [/fve]

Recommended if you like: making farting sounds with your armpit, the grungy, industrial setting of the WUK, big speakers and big sound, dancing until your feet hurt, checking out the local talent, living for the music, red-brick buildings

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