The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Pub forscht

A pub quiz for ze’ friends of science

Pub forscht

When: TUE, November 21, 7pm–10pm
Where: Beaver Brewing Company
Entry: free!

You’re a well-informed person (in terms of science…and manga comics) and you like to hang out with a similar well-informed crowd? Austria’s Citizen Science is inviting one and all to their first pub quiz. The topic will be… (drumroll)… science! Join this social gathering at the Beaver Brewing Company (their beer is great, and same goes for the burger) this Tuesday – show those geeks your knowledge!

Recommended if you like: everything science-related, the Big Bang Theory, finally being able to use all that knowledge you got and thought you’d never use, a friendly competition, pub quizzes

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