The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Pub Quiz at Shebeen

It’s pub quiz time! 

Pub Quiz at Shebeen

When: every Monday throughout summer, until August 17, 7pm–9pm
Where: Shebeen – International Pub
Entry: 2€ (per team member)

If you’re that annoying friend who starts conversations with, “Did you know that…” why not share your wisdom for a good cause with your mates at a Pub Quiz? Knowing things like how your brain sees your nose at all times, but chooses to ignore it might even get you and your 5 teammates rewarded with 3×10€ vouchers to spend on drinks at the pub! After you’ve uncrossed your eyes testing the above statement, reserve your table via!

Recommended if you like: club and bar hopping, a night of variety, Mario Kart and other games that tear people appart, a Döner at 4am, beer and cigarettes, friendly long bearded men in bars

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