Two very Different parties in a classic venue
Push 4 TeC pres.: Techno-Grillerei #4 – The Final
When: FRI, September 7, 6pm–6am
Where: Fluc + Fluc Wanne
Entry: 6€ including Grill token.
The Techno grill party will begin early with – you guessed it – a Grill and some Techno upstairs from 6pm to 10pm, after which they will invite you downstairs into for an all night Techno party that will last into the wee hours. While they will provide small grill snacks, you are also welcome to bring your own food, although you may have to slip the Grill Master a cheeky little bribe to get them cooked well. While the Techno continues downstairs, dunkelbunt and friends will take over the upstairs to bring you a Word Music Party like no other, as they hope to take you from the Balkans to Bollywood, check it out here.
Recommended if you like: Techno, World Music, Bollywood music, traveling, sir dunkelbunt the great, swing music, international parties,Balkan Gypsy swings
Fri. 07th Sep — Sat. 08th Sep