The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Queerfilmnacht: KOKON von Leonie Krippendorf

Watch a queer coming–of–age film at the Votivkino

Queerfilmnacht: KOKON von Leonie Krippendorf

When: MON, August 10, 8pm
Where: Votivkino
Entry: 9.50€, buy a ticket

The Queerfilmnacht at the Votivkino offers a cinema experience for all you people who are sick of heteronormativity (in real life as well as in films…). This Monday, they are screening KOKON by Leonie Krippendorf, a coming-of-age film about a 14-year-old girl named Nora living in Berlin–Kreuzberg. Check out the trailer to get a taste of what to expect:


Recommended if you like: ending heteronormativity, films with queer characters, films with queer main characters instead of just a random stereotypical queer side character, coming–of–age films, thinking back when you were fourteen (sigh…crazy times…)

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