A festival: contemporary art house films made in India
Reaktor Indian Film Festival
When: THU–SUN, June 7–10
Where: Reaktor
Entry: 99€ = festival pass, 15€ / 35€ = day ticket, 9€ = single ticket, buy your ticket here
At Reaktor, the first Indian Film Festival will take place this week. Nope, it’s not what you are thinking – you won’t find any Bollywood movies on the programme. Instead, a carefully considered selection of art house films will be shown during the festival. They’ve chosen movies in different languages, set at different locations within India, and that reflect on different issues facing the country. For detailed information, check out the programme.
Recommended if you like: traveling, dreaming of exotic places and then traveling to them, your beloved rucksack, adventure, international cuisine, stories from afar, movie marathons, getting all philosophical over a cup of coffee
Thu. 07th Jun — Sun. 10th Jun