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Rebekka Bakken · Wien · Museumsquartier

Catch this soulful singer songwriter at Museumsquartier

Rebekka Bakken · Wien · Museumsquartier

When: FRI, April 5, 8pm–11pm
Where: MQ – museumsquartier
Entry: TBA

Rebekka Bakken has sultry, soulful vocals that make us sort of giggle and blush a little. If you have the same problem, we suggest sitting in the back where you won’t disrupt the show. Check out the beautiful music, here:

Recommended if you like: soulful vocals that give you goosebumps, heading out for a live show at Museumsquartier, grabbing a coke and beer and drinking from one and then the other, nice weather and beautiful music, Rebekka Bakken

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