The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Rein ins Rathaus!

Check out this city for kids

Rein ins Rathaus!

When: MON–FRI, August 24–28, 10am–5pm
Where: Rathaus
Entry: Free!, register via website

Literally, there will be a city for children popping up in the town hall this week. In this mini city, in which Friday is the last day to participate, the kids can playfully work, earn money, spend that money or save it in a bank to study. Whether they become a taxi driver or a politician, everyone has the opportunity to learn and help with the running of this city (as long as they are between 6 and 13 years old). Kids always like playing the adult so this should be fun for the little ones. Get more infos on their website.

Recommended if you like: dropping the kids off and running away for a few hours, making the wee ones earn a living, seeing what the future maybe holds for your young one, fingers crossed they don’t drink their fill and pass out on a mini bench in the mini park

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