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Retro Gaming Night: Halo 1 & 2 Public LAN Party

Grab a controller and level up at this bar’s gaming night

When: THU, October 1, 6pm–11pm
Where: Café Zehnsiebzig
Entry: Free!

If you walk by Café Zehnsiebzig in the later evening on Thursday, you might hear screams and sounds of jubilation coming from the inside, and all of this will be thanks to the gaming community going at it in there. As a gamer dude, or gal, you’ll be facing off the next fights with over 8 players who feel the same passion you have for the game Halo 1 & 2. And the best part is there’s no need to rush to the kitchen for a drink or snack – the bar is just seconds away!

Recommended if you like: intimate and unique locations, house, beer and cigarettes, sex in dirty public toilets, getting tipsy enough to only sway a little when you walk, gaming all day every day

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