The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Roböxotica 2019

Alan Turing would be interested in this event – the name below says it all

Roböxotica 2019

When: THU–SUN, November 28–December 1
Where: Praterzelt at Prater
Entry: TBA

There are many ways in which robotics can be integrated into our lives, and cocktail-making robots is a futuristic scenario already here, people. Be at this festival that is concerned with cocktail robotics. The people behind such machines are trying to help shape a modern cocktail culture and want to show you the many possibilities of how to enrichen the drinking experience (anything that does that and we’re in!).

Recommended if you like: I, Robot, living on the unsual side of life (wherever that may be), cocktails, futuristic things, Back to the Future, dreaming of owning a robot name Jeeves

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