The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Rockabilly Voltage 2019

Grease that hair back and slide on that black leather jacket – it’s rockabilly time

Rockabilly Voltage 2019

When: SAT, February 2, 7:30pm–5am
Where: Ottakringer Brauerei
Entry: 20€, here, or 24€ at the door

The old Ottakringer Brewery will look full Americans from the 50’s this Saturday night. The brewery will be transported back in time with everything from Rockabilly bands (all with suitably 50’s sounding names), a vintage market to help you look the part for the occasion (including a tattoo parlour…dangerous), as well as food and drinks. It literally has everything covered for the die hard fans of the rock and the rolling that comes with the Rockabilly lifestyle.

Recommended if you like: parties where you can freak out, slicking your hair back, leather jackets, Little Richard, Rockabilly stuff, twisting like you did last summer, the sound of a blues guitar, getting tattoos after excessive drinking


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