The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Rooftop Yoga Evening Sessions

Sun salutation with a grand view

Rooftop Yoga Evening Sessions

When: THU, June 21, 7pm–8pm
Where: Ruby Marie Hotel & Bar
Entry: 20€ (18€ students), register via

Like during every summer, the Little Yoga Room will be hosting rooftop yoga sessions at the Ruby Maria Hotel, every Thursday evening. In addition, if the weather is nice, they’ll be offering a 1h morning sessions on a Wednesday and Thursday at 7am. Bring your yoga mat, your desire to find inner peace, and your best downward dog moves. Don’t forget to register in advance for the event via mail, though! In case the weather turns ugly, the unit will be moved to the yoga studio of Little Yoga Room as opposed to the hotel rooftop.

Recommended if you like: yoga, being as flexible as a 14-year-old, doing the downward dog, ‘ommm’ experiences, finding inner peace, that moment when you squeeze out a little fart during yoga that nobody can hear, brining your golf clubs and hitting golf balls off a roof when nobody’s looking

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