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Roots Music Festival

A taste of Southern Africa at a mini-festival

Roots Music Festival

When: THU–FRI, November 2-3, 5pm–8pm
Where: Szene Wien
Entry: presale: 1 day = 15€ , 2 days = 20€ (13€/15€ students); At the door: 1 day = 18€, 2 days = 23€ (15€/18€), reserve your ticket here

Escape the chilly November temperatures and turn up at the Roots Music Festival happening at Szene. With music from the southern regions of Africa this Thursday and Friday’s festival is going to be a global experience. Contemporary Zimrock, Samba, Ska, Soul & Jazz, and a general feel-good atmosphere will await you at this funky little festival.

Recommended if you like: music from other places, Afro-pop, hot rhythms, festivals that keep you out for two days in a row, the idea of discovering new, exotic music acts from Southern Africa, clapping your hands at the right moments in songs

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