The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Russkaja unplugged – Die 4 im Jeep – Wir Sind Wien Festival 2020

Bop about and rock steady at this open air concert 

Russkaja unplugged – Die 4 im Jeep – Wir Sind Wien Festival 2020

When: TUE, September 8, 8pm–10pm 
Where: Schwarzenbergplatz
Entry: free! register for the event

The grounds of Schwarzenbergplatz will be quaking when the Austro-Russian band, Russkaja, immerse the crowds with their Turbo-Polka rhythmic sounds. Hosted by die KuraTanten, the outdoor concert will be taking place on behalf of the ‘Wir sind Wien Festival’, and the bangin’ tunes will catapult you right back to the time when the 4th district was occupied by Sowjets (minus the post-war trauma). Reservations are currently booked out, but stay up-to-date via their Facebook page in case of any changes!

Recommended if you like: local talent, musicians performing original content, curing your weekend hangover with a beer and live music, free festivals, Indie Rock, ska, Singer/Songwriter tunes, living the good life, chill music accompanied by an autumn breeze 

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