The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Go on a travel with… Salam Orient Music and Art Festival

Travel East without even leaving the city

Go on a travel with… Salam Orient Music and Art Festival 

When: October 14–23
Where: Various locations around Vienna. Check their website for the full programme
Entry: 99€ festival pass, single tickets available too, check out the info on their website

This festival is about faraway cultures and oriental music. Experience the sounds of the Orient, from Southern Spain, across to Maghreb, East Africa and the Middle East…and you won’t even have to leave Vienna. It will all come together under the same roof in the form of a high brow music festival, hosted by the music venues, Porgy & Bess, Sargfabrik and the Wiener Konzerthaus. Bands from countries such as Marocco, Tunisia and Algeria will be on stage, along with local bands who dedicate their tunes to oriental beats. Find all the information about tickets, locations and shows on their festival page.

Recommended if you like: oriental music, guitar strings, discovering new instruments, being open to new cultures through music, jazzy bars, unique festivals that make you look edgy

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